About Us

To preserve the Precious Moments Chapel and inspire faith, hope, and love by sharing art and acts of kindness.

support the foundation

Your support matters! Through your generous product and financial donations, as well as your purchases in the Gift Shoppe, we are able to maintain the Precious Moments Chapel and Gardens and continue to keep the Chapel free of charge to all visitors.


Welcome to the Precious Moments Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with an emphasis in the arts. We are dedicated to keeping the Precious Moments Chapel free of charge for all visitors to enjoy the art and inspiration of Precious Moments Founding Artist, Samuel J. Butcher.

4321 Chapel Road, Carthage, MO 64836                          800-543-7975                                                       [email protected]

© Precious Moments Foundation. All rights reserved worldwide.  | PRECIOUS MOMENTS, PRECIOUS MOMENTS CHAPEL, PRECIOUS MOMENTS FOUNDATION, TEARDROP-SHAPED EYE DESIGN, and all related marks, characters, and logos are trademarks of Precious Moments, Inc.  Used with permission.